It's the day after Christmas and I wanted to work on assembling my truck. The bulk of the work to put this back together will be completed by me, something that I am looking forward to. Thankfully, they guys will still help when I need advice or an extra set of hands.
It being the day after Christmas, no one was here but Jim and I, which was fun. We got to talk and work side by side as he did some work on his pickup while I started to put this back together.
After so many years of imagining my truck repainted and looking new, it was so good to see this corner of it come together. I have stared at this photo many times today.
After getting the front clip assembled as much as I could until I get the windshield latches painted, I turned my attention to the back where I installed the rear reflectors, the spare tire gate hinges, the license plate frame and light and the bumperettes.
I still can't seem to find four 6mm machine screws with a pan head that are long enough and have the correct yellow zinc plating to match the rest, so I am stuck with the black oxide ones for now.
I worked for most of the day and am really tired. I think Jim wanted to go home a little earlier than he ended up being able to, but he could tell I was having fun and I appreciate that.