Tuesday, September 19, 2006


The tub and cowl have been painted and are spending the next few days outside to finish curing. It looks so good that I found myself returning again and again outside to stare at it.

The seam beneath the windshield frame where the upper cowl panels meet leaked water when it rained, but now it's all closed up with new seam sealer and it looks absolutely amazing.

The hood and the windshield frame were painted as well, along with the tub. They look great.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


The fenders were roughed and made ready for primer. I probably should have saved the original ones since there was so little rust in them, since the OEM replacements are sort of catch-alls that fit every year and therefore don't truly fit any year. There is a bracket on the passenger side that won't be correct, but they will finish out really nicely so it's probably worth it. Nothing like new parts.

The bib was rust-free for the most part, though we had to repair holes that were drilled to accommodate a pair of makeshift padlocks that was installed at some point in this truck's life.

I don't think that anyone is looking forward to refinishing the fiberglass roof or taking out all of the glass in the top. It and the clip from an old Corvette are both in the "we don't wanna do it" corner of the shop.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006


They were able to paint the bed of the truck over the last week and it looks so good. I went with the original, single-stage paint to keep the original look. The color is Dune Beige, PPG 416. The guys thought I was silly for using single stage paint, but that's how it was painted in 1972 and I wanted to keep it as it was.

Next we are going to start painting the parts like the hood, which turned out so good.

Removing the years of weather stripping glue from around the doors took work with a torch and a speed wheel, but they are looking great.