Shane Walters, a Land Cruiser enthusiast in Oregon, makes reproduction decals for Land Cruisers. Nearly all of the ones on my truck that I did not have made myself came from him.
At left is a reproduction of a decal that was found on the back rest of the jump seats that Walters had made. I bought a set a few days ago. They are about an inch long and the color of masking tape. I recall a piece of one of these decals on my jump seats, but it was removed long ago when I had them sand blasted and repainted.
Walters' eBay Store is full of reproduction decals that have long been discontinued or were never offered for sale and his work is second to none. Little details like these make a big difference and really finish out a project well.
I'm trying to help him with a part decal for the rear heater, the last decal that is missing from my truck. At least the last one that I know about.